{pdf download} Marvel Studios Character Encyclopedia

Marvel Studios Character Encyclopedia. Adam Bray

Marvel Studios Character Encyclopedia

ISBN: 9781465478894 | 176 pages | 5 Mb
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  • Marvel Studios Character Encyclopedia
  • Adam Bray
  • Page: 176
  • Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
  • ISBN: 9781465478894
  • Publisher: DK
Download Marvel Studios Character Encyclopedia

Best audio book download free Marvel Studios Character Encyclopedia FB2 iBook in English

The essential guide to the heroes and villains of the Marvel studios movies Learn the facts, figures, super-powers and origins of your favourite characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). From the Avengers and Ant-Man to Black Panther and Doctor Strange, this book spans over a decade of action-packed Marvel Studios movie releases. Filled with interesting facts and key information, whether your favourite hero is Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, the Wasp, Iron Man or Gamora, you'll be able to find out all about their story, super-powers, weapons, and much more. It isn't all heroes though; this book includes powerful villains and their followers, sinister spies, brave soldiers, and even ordinary people who find themselves caught up in epic battles! Whatever it is that you want to know, Marvel Studios: Character Encyclopedia will make you an instant Marvel Studios expert. Wondering what Thor's hammer is called*, or where Vision came from? How Iron Man builds his suits, or who Thanos is? Then this is the book for you! *Mjolnir, just in case you were wondering! © 2018 MARVEL

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